
芭蕉の俳句をポスターとポストカードにしました。 スクエアとポートレートタイプを用意しました。ポスターはそれぞれ3種類あります。もちろん他のサイズを選んだり、他の製品にデザインを移すこともできます。
Basho’s haiku are available as posters and postcards. Square and portrait types are available. Each poster is available in three different sizes. Of course you can choose other sizes or transfer the design to other products.
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there are famous haiku by 松尾芭蕉 (Matsuo Basho).There are many interpretations of haiku, and this meaning of phrase is just one example.



夏草や兵どもが夢の跡 (Natsukusa ya tsuwamono domo ga yume no ato)

In the old days, warriors fought in a land where they dreamed of merit, but now there are no traces of those dreams, just a blanket of summer grass. Seasonal word: summer grass

閑さや 岩にしみいる 蝉の声


閑さや 岩にしみいる 蝉の声 (Shizukasa ya iwa ni shimi iru semi no koe)

The area was quiet and still. Only the sound of the cicadas seems to penetrate the rocks.
Note : The sound of the cicadas may sound noisy to non-Japanese people, but… Seasonal word: cicada

五月雨を あつめて早し 最上川


五月雨を あつめて早し 最上川 (Samidare wo atsumete hayashi mogamigawa)

最上川 (The Mogami River) is flowing very fast, as if the heavy rains of the rainy season were gathered into one. Seasonal word: early summer rain

古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音


古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音 (Furu ike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto)

A frog jumped into the old pond and broke the silence. But it was quiet again. Seasonal word: frog

秋深き 隣は何を する人ぞ


秋深き 隣は何を する人ぞ (Aki fukaki tonari wa nani wo suru hito zo)

Autumn is deepening, and I hear something from next door. What are they doing? Note : At this time, Basho was lying ill. Seasonal word : deep autumn

荒海や 佐渡によこたふ 天の河


荒海や 佐渡によこたふ 天の河 (Ara umi ya Sado ni yokotou ama no gawa)

Beyond the raging Japan Sea lies 佐渡島 (Sado Island). The Milky Way seems to lie there. Note : Sado Island used to be an island of exiles. Seasonal word: Milky Way

名月や 池をめぐりて 夜もすがら


名月や 池をめぐりて 夜もすがら (Meigetsu ya ike wo megurite yomosugara)

The harvest moon was reflected in the pond. I was so captivated by its beauty that I stayed up all night cruising around the pond. Seasonal word: the harvest moon.

野ざらしを 心に風のしむ身かな

旅の途中で生き倒れる覚悟で、いざ出立しようとしたが肌寒い秋風が心にしみる。語:身に入む 身に沁む

野ざらしを 心に風のしむ身かな (Nozarashi wo kokoro ni kaze no shimu mi kana)

The chilly autumn wind stings my heart as I prepare to leave on my journey, ready to live and die. Seasonal words: feel deep in my heart

旅人と 我が名よばれん 初時雨


旅人と 我が名よばれん 初時雨 (Tabibito to  waga na yobaren  hatsu shigure)

It is the season of the first shower in late fall. I would like to be called such a traveler who lives and dies by traveling. Seasonal word: the first shower in late fall (early winter)


注 : この俳句には酒飲み居たる人の絵に という前書きがある 季語:一人酒

月花もなくて酒のむひとり哉 (Tsuki hana mo nakute sake nomu hitori kana)

The person in this picture is not moon viewing or cherry blossom viewing, but he is drinking alone.
Note : This haiku has a preface, “On a picture of a person drinking sake. Seasonal word: Drinking sake alone

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