We have combined the 12 western zodiac symbols with Kanji. You can change the color of the Kanji and Latin to any color you like. Also Latin can be changed to your native language.

他にも多くのスタイルがあります。 成人、キッズ、ベイビー用、女性、男性、ユニセックス用、長袖、半袖、タンクトップ、多彩なサイズ・カラーがあります。どのようなデザインでも他の1000種類以上の商品に移すこともできます。
Many more styles are available. For adults, kids, and babies; for women, men, and unisex; long-sleeved, short-sleeved, and tank tops; and in a variety of sizes and colors. Any of my designs can be transferred to over a thousand other items.
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Born between March 21 and April 19
Born between April 20 and May 20
Born between May 21 and June 21