
kanji family name – Ashiya T-Shirt
by kanji_studiofruitjam
芦屋(ashiya / あしや) We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources. It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan. You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don’t need it, you can remove it.

kanji family name – Ashiya T-Shirt
by kanji_studiofruitjam
芦屋(ashiya / あしや) We have collected Japanese surnames from manga, celebrities, and other sources. It is said that there are about 300,000 different surnames in Japan. You can change the size, color, position, etc. of the kanji as you like. But you cannot change it to other kanji. You can personalize the English text to your favorite words, font ,size, color and position as you like. If you don’t need it, you can remove it.
これらには158のスタイルと2プロダクト があります。 成人、キッズ、ベイビー用、女性、男性、ユニセックス用、長袖、半袖、タンクトップ、多彩なサイズ・カラーがあります。ただし、スタイルはZazzleがデザインを自動的に適用しているため、製品として不適当な物が含まれている場合があります。
日本語販売サイトはこちら (伊藤が伊東、増田が益田になったり機械翻訳が変ですが、ご了承ください)